Gift Acceptance Policy

Gifts are a vital way for People’s Self-Help Housing to further and fulfill its important mission. We recommend that all prospective donors seek the assistance of personal legal and financial advisors in matters relating to their gifts, including the resulting tax and estate planning consequences.

Many gifts to PSHH can be immediately received and include those made in cash, by check, money order, credit card, wire transfer, or through online donations.

Marketable securities may be transferred electronically to our account maintained at EP Wealth Advisors or delivered physically with the transferor’s endorsement. Typically, marketable securities will be sold upon receipt. Gifts such as charitable trusts, annuities, retirement plans, insurances, tangible property, and real estate will require review before acceptance.

PSHH is unable to accept gifts which present potential conflicts of interest, or gifts of property which may be subject to environmental or other regulatory restrictions. We are also unable to accept gifts which would violate our corporate charter, would result in the loss of our nonprofit status, would be burdensome to administer in relation to their value, or would result in any unacceptable consequences for the organization. Any gift accepted must be within the purposes of the mission of PSHH.

Please contact our Director of Resource Development at if you have any questions regarding a potential gift to our organization. Thank you for all the ways you support our mission, we are so grateful for your partnership.